• A “standard” vaccination program does not exist.
  • Vaccination is an aid in prevention of infectious diseases.
  • Vaccination programs will not succeed without appropriate managerial changes.
  • Not all animals that receive a vaccine will mount an immunologic response; those that respond will not have equal responses.
  • Vaccines should be selected on the basis of:
    • demographics of the targeted disease
    • effects of the disease, should it occur
    • risks of exposure to the disease
    • efficacy of vaccination program to reduce problems associated with the disease
    • cost of appropriate vaccination
    • potential adverse effects of the vaccination program
  • All animals in a group should be appropriately vaccinated according to their specific needs.
  • Expectations of the client for the vaccination program should be realistic.
  • Strict attention should be afforded the manufacturer’s recommendations for storage, handling, and route of administration of the vaccine.
  • For most vaccines, a series of multiple (generally 3) doses must be administered initially to induce protective immunity before booster vaccination can be productive.
  • In order to maximally protect foals during the first few months of life, broodmares should receive booster vaccinations during 4 to 6 weeks before foaling, and it is essential that foals receive an adequate amount of colostrum and absorb colostral antibodies.
  • Foals from appropriately vaccinated mares should receive their initial vaccination against most diseases not sooner than 6 months of age; in endemic areas, vaccination against Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis should begin at 3 to 4 months of age until additional information indicates otherwise.
  • Adverse reactions should be reported to the manufacturer of the product involved.